Nemiroff Cranberry 21% 700ml
Tincture "Nemiroff Cranberry brandy" - light, sweet drink, which combines fortress brandy tart cranberries and tenderness. It will especially enjoy the modern, confident women. However, both men appreciate its harmonious, balanced flavour. To get pleasure from "Nemiroff Cranberry brandy" drink brandy should sip and strong cooling. Cocktails on the basis of this delicious drink will create a cheerful mood for bright meetings with friends.
Taste: Sweet taste with generous notes of cognac and a pleasant cranberry tartness.
Aroma: Liquor sounds sweet aromas of cranberry anthrax.
Awards tinctures "Nemiroff Cranberry brandy":
- Silver Award and an honorary diploma at the contest "Prodexpo Moscow 2014";
- Gold medal at tasting competition "Best Product - 2014";
- Silver medal at tasting competition "Best Product - 2012".
ABV: 21%