Kavalan Solist Amontillado Sherry 700ml
Amontillado is a dry sherry that is darker than Fino, but lighter than Oloroso, maturing under a cap of flor and then exposed to the air for further oxidation. Toasted almond and hazelnut are the classic aromas for Amontillado-seasoned casks.
Colour: Rich auburn
Flavour: Very rich and fruity. Good sweetness with notes of walnut and almond. Slight toffee and a touch of oak.
Palate: More exotic and soft sherry with a hint of caramel. The finish is gently long with nuts and pepperiness.
Tasting: We suggest drinking the Kavalan Solist Amontillado Cask neat. It is also perfect with ice cream.ABV: 50-59.9%