Crafter's Aromatic Flower Gin 700ml

Crafter’s Aromatic Flower Gin is a blend of 12 aromatic botanicals. The show starts with rose hip flower and meadowsweet that are characteristic to Estonian coastline. Then to crown the taste, we add crisp juniper berries and exotic yuzu. 
Crafter’s Aromatic Flower Gin is – floral and rich on the palate and aromatic on the nose. Rose hip flower, meadowsweet, lavender, rose, chamomile and elderflower bouquet is responsible for the sweet and round character of the gin. Juniper berries, fennel, orange, lemon, coriander and exotic yuzu all attribute to the crisp, fresh and spicy character. And all of them combined – the winning formula No. 38.


Best Estonian Spirit-Best Alcoholic Drink in Estonia 2018
Silver-International Wine & Spirit Competition 2018
Women's Wine & Spirit Awards 2018