Canario Cachaca 40%
For the distillation process, the heart of the fresh, green sugar cane – the best and crucial part of the plant – is carefully separated from the rest before being pressed within 24 hours to produce fresh sugar cane juice, which is then fermented. The fermented juice is then distilled. The water used for this comes from a mountain spring, which is constantly monitored in order to preserve its pure, clear and soft quality.
The result is the 40% vol. alcohol Canarío Cachaça, characterized by a tangy-fresh, restrained sugar cane note and its mild, pure and harmonious flavor. Canarío Cachaça is sold in 0.7 l and 1.0 l crystal-clear bottles with a facet finish.
Certainly the most well-known and most popular drink made with Canario Cachaça is Caipirinha, an exciting mix of Cachaça, crushed ice and lime, plus white cane sugar. You can also use Canarío Cachaça to mix a typical Brazilian Batidas. Depending on the flavor, this is made by mixing fresh tropical juices or fruits, or these fruits are puréed and mixed with plenty of ice – and of course Canarío Cachaça.